The 9-Tone System™ Of
Harmony That's Not Taught In Any
College Or University
-The Harmonic Matrix That Will Take Your Music To A Higher Level
Founder of the
Diminished Augmented System for Music Composition
ASHBY ANDERSON is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Live Workshop: 9-Tone System That's Not Taught In Any College Or University
Time: Feb 8, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Ashby has helped many musicians with his unique ability to transfer his skillset to others. After many years of experimentation, Ashby developed his theory of Nine Tone Scales and published his notes as the "Diminished Augmented System of Harmony and Scales". Ashby is the first and only musician to outline the symmetric harmonic construction and systematic relationship of nine tone scales for practical use in the 12 tone system. His understanding and detailed analysis of the NINE TONE Harmonic Matrix has opened the minds of musicians around the world to a system of harmony that is not taught in any college or university.
“After going through the course I feel like I have material to study for years! How limited my knowledge of the Diminished and Augmented harmonies were. It's not easy and it takes some commitment but you won't find nothing like this anywhere else.
Thank you Ashby for guiding me through this.”
António S.
Jazz Musician From Portugal
"As You Know There's a lot of scales in Slonimsky, and his work was profound on John Coltrane and a lot artist in the 20th century but your work exploring the systemic implications of it is a definite advancement, no question."
"I've followed Ashby's lead and have been writing stuff based on this scale system"
Jon B.
" My interests is to understand your system and how I can apply it- especially in writing harmony"
- E.B.
Jazz Musician From Ukraine
"I've followed Ashby's lead and have been writing stuff based on this scale system -your work exploring the systemic implications of is a definite advancement, no question. "
- Jon B.
Jazz Musician From New York